ICOMOS India, in collaboration with our institutional member, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, AKTU, Lucknow, are happy to host the Scientific Symposium this year during 19th – 20th November 2021. (Details in the attached poster). This year the Scientific Symposium is being organised by the Central Zone of ICOMOS India.
As announced on 3rd May 2021, due to the current Covid-19 second wave in India, the Executive Committee of ICOMOS India had decided to postpone the Scientific Symposium 2021. Therefore, the Symposium, which was to be held on 12-13th June 2021, has been rescheduled to be held on 19th-20th November 2021.
The theme of the symposium is Cultural Landscapes: transformations and emerging ideas (details in the attached poster). We are hoping that it allows a wider participation of not only heritage conservation professionals, but also several other sustainable development related fields. Please share the symposium details among your peers, colleagues and other institutions who would be interested to participate in the event.
For queries and further information (e-mail) - scientificsymposium.icomosindia@gmail.com
Send abstracts at (e-mail) - scientificsymposium.icomosindia@gmail.com and cc to icomosindia@gmail.com by 15th August 2021.
We look forward to your enthusiastic participation in the event.