Click here for the Final Agenda of the Annual General Meeting (AGM 2020) to be held online on Friday,12th June, 2020 from 8.30 am to 2.30 pm.
The registration link for the Zoom meeting has already been sent to all. Members are requested to follow the protocol listed below for the Zoom Meeting.
1. Members are requested to click on the zoom link and the host will allow you in the meeting zone. This will complete your registration process for AGM.
2. We request the members to register between 8.30 am and 9.45am. The counting of the registered members will end by 9.45 am. Although online registrations will remain open throughout the AGM.
3. The members are requested to go through the Annual Report, Audited Accounts, Proposed Budget, Minutes of the previous AGM shared via email and also uploaded on the website
4. During Zoom AGM, all the members are requested to keep their mics and cameras off to ensure undisturbed sessions. In case the members have any queries during the session, they can leave their questions in the chat box. The questions shall be attended at the end of the session.