The Nocte tribe, an ornamental patrilineal community of Arunachal Pradesh, primarily inhabits the picturesque Tirap district. Their presence is beautifully concentrated in three distinct regions: Namsang, Borduar, and Paniduar, with an exquisite clan system led by the esteemed 'Lowang.’
Notably, majority of Nocte tribe embraced Srimanta Sankaradeva's Vaishnavism since the 17th century, fostering a deep and resplendent connection with the Assamese society. Their enchanting culture extends beyond the borders of Arunachal Pradesh, with some Nocte people finding homes in Assam, residing in a charming village near Naharkatiya. Amidst their ornate traditions, the Nocte people also revere benevolent deities, and intriguingly, a few even practice the enchanting path of Buddhism.
Within this idyllic region resided by the Nocte tribe, salt-springs emerged as a precious and visually appealing sites, as they served as the source of salt, a valuable commodity for those days. This bountiful resource in the glistening salt-springs in Tirap hills granted the Noctes an enviable position in trade with other communities.
The Nocte people are known for their vibrant festivals, with the three-day harvest celebration of Loku taking center stage, adorned with a splendid display of Chalo dances. Their cultural repertoire extends to the performance of Assamese Bhaona, a captivating addition to their ornate heritage.
For those with a penchant for the enchanting tapestry of Nocte culture, the first webinar of 2023 in the North East Zone of ICOMOS India promises to be a captivating journey. This grand event, aptly themed around the Nocte Tribe and their harmonious relationship with Assamese society, is organized by the International Committee of Intangible Cultural Heritage, International Cultural Tourism Committee, and ICOMOS India Branch, in collaboration with the National Scientific Committees - Intangible Cultural Heritage, Cultural Tourism, and Cultural Landscape. Notably, this artistic collaboration extends to include the participation of Bomdila Government College, Delphic Council of North East, and the Society of Srimanta Sankaradeva, among others.
A lineup of distinguished resource persons, each presenting a beguiling facet of Nocte culture, promises to make this event truly extraordinary. From Shri Gajen Mahanta's exploration of Nocte society and Bareghar Sattra to Dr. Vineeta Dowerah's illuminating dive into the origin and evolution of Nocte society, the topics are as diverse and captivating as the tribe itself. Shri Wanglin Lowangdong will unveil the mesmerizing tapestry of Nocte Assamese culture and its economic bonds, while Shri Golap Bora will provide a glimpse into the modern-day relationship between Assam and Arunachal. Dr. Sanjib Kr Borkakoti will weave a narrative of the spiritual connection between Nocte and Assamese society, while Shri Wangtum H Lowang will highlight the invaluable contributions of the Nocte people to India's freedom struggle.
With warm regards from the North East Zone of ICOMOS India, we cordially extend an invitation to you to register for this extraordinary webinar. The event, a beautiful tapestry of knowledge and cultural enrichment, is scheduled for November 4th, starting at 3:00 pm (IST).