Date: 10 Oct 2019 | Mumbai
The Annual National Scientific Conclave is an opportunity to share information on ICOMOS-India's various scientific activities aimed at strengthening strategic focus areas of India's Cultural Heritage. This includes discussions on the ongoing and the proposed projects by various National Scientific Committees, activities of Working Groups set up to look at issues that cut across the NSC mandate and, results of the Scientific Symposium-2019 held at Varanasi. The proposed meeting of all NSC Coordinators, the Executive Committee and, other members at Mumbai is being seen as an apt occasion to consider pressing conservation issues of the host city, especially those related to its World Heritage Sites. In addition, the Conclave is also an opportunity to reach out to the general public, especially the young and emerging professionals, for disseminating knowledge regarding the role and significance of ICOMOS-India as well as the principles, techniques and policies pertaining to various domains of heritage protection within the country.
Considering the above-listed overall objectives in mind, the National Scientific Conclave 2019 will endeavour to focus, among others, on the following:
- Sharing of Information by NSCs on their vision document, triennial plan, ongoing and future activities;
- Reviewing the ongoing NSC projects awarded in response to the "Call for Proposals for ICOMOS-India Research Grant
- 2018" and concluding them with their identified objectives in mind;
- Discussion and deliberations on new proposals in response to the "Call for Proposals for ICOMOS-India Research Grant-2019" ICOMOS-India and announcement of the Grant Award;
- Presentations by the Working Groups on "Water and Heritage", "Right-based Approach & Sustainable Development Goals" and, "ICOMOS-India Emerging Professionals";
- Deliberations on overall direction of research for ICOMOS-India, new Working Groups & NSCs;
- Deliberations on conservation issues of host city (Possible Case Study: Esplanade Mansion, Mumbai)
- Public lectures for disseminating knowledge of various domains of Indian Cultural Heritage
An opportunity to share information on ICOMOS India's National Scientific Committees:
NSC-ARSAH Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage;
NSC-CL Cultural Landscapes; NSC-AHM Archaeological Heritage Management;
NSC-CR Cultural Routes; NSC-CT Cultural Tourism; NSC-EAH Earthen Architectural Heritage; NSC-Fort Fortifications and Military Heritage; NSC-HD Heritage Documentation; NSC-HTV Historic Towns and Villages; NSC-IH Industrial Heritage; NSC-IP Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites; NSC-ICH Intangible Cultural Heritage; NSC-LAFI Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues; NSC-TC Training Committee; NSC-VA Vernacular Architecture; NSC-MP Mural (Wall) Painting; NSC-RP Risk Preparedness; NSC-SBH Shared Built Heritage; NSC-20C 20th Century Heritage; NSC-THEOPHIL Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration; NSC-SC Stone Conservation