Nestled in the heart of Assam, the Dikhou Steel Bridge stands as a historical gem, a testament to engineering brilliance. During the colonial era, the British bestowed Eastern India with three splendid Steel Bridges, epitomizing innovation. Proudly gracing Amguri Ghat in Sivasagar, the Dikhou Steel Bridge is a showcase of human engineering prowess. It’s lifting middle, reminiscent of England's River Thames Bridge, played a pivotal role in transporting precious tea from Nazira to vibrant Kolkata via waterways.
Under the watchful supervision of the PWD of the former Government of Assam, luminaries like H. G. Cocksage and Hari Prasad Baruah, alongside companies like Braithwaite and Tata Iron & Steel, etched their names into history. This bridge, a vital link connecting past and future, owes its celebrated legacy to those who recognized its significance. Thanks to their dedication, this architectural marvel now basks in the global heritage spotlight, a living bridge that tells a tale of resilience and historical grandeur.